Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Real World

No, not the 90s MTV one; the one in which I have to get up now and get ready to go back to work. Vacation time is over, baby.

Still not feeling better and didn't get Twitterfeed to work last night. No magic fairy appeared to let me know what I had screwed up. I started over and here's my lame "test" post all over again. Here's hoping that it works. I have a very low tolerance for being this lame. I know I'm pretty good at it, though.

Seriously, I don't NEED a blog. I've gone a long time without one. I don't NEED to be able to update it from my phone. That seems a little silly, actually. I don't NEED for it to automatically update Facebook and Twitter. I don't need these things but I do REALLY want them for some reason.

So here's hoping this works. I've run out of lameness. I suck. I know I do. But I can't keep this up.

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